B. inggris Rossa: "I finally received the letter of acceptance to go to Oxford University. Nadya: marisolharrisulv – June 10, 2023
B. inggris pendapat tentang anak laki² harus bermain bonekqanak perempuan tidak boleh bermain mobil marisolharrisulv – June 10, 2023
B. inggris Kuis sgt gampang “Tidak cantik” adalah a. Pretty b. Beautiful c. Handsome d. Stunning e. Ugly marisolharrisulv – April 04, 2023
B. inggris 10. This is the newspaper ….. my father want to read. * 2 poin a. Who b. Where c. Which d. whytolong bantuin saya marisolharrisulv – April 01, 2023